





其中很多插曲,像Do Re Mi 之歌、小白花等等,



Sixteen Going On Seventeen -From The Sound of Music

詞: Oscar Hammerstein II 曲: Richard Rodgers


[男 Rolf:] 

你等著,小女孩,在空蕩的人生舞台 You wait, little girl, on an empty stage

等命運機緣為你點燈開幕 For fate will turn the light on,

你的人生,小女孩,像一張白紙 Your life, little girl, is an empty page

多少情郎會想替你寫下新章 That men will want to write on


[女 Liesl:]

寫下新章 To write on


[男 Rolf:] 

你才十六,轉眼要十七 You are sixteen, going on seventeen,

寶貝,該好好想想囉! Baby, it's time to think.

最好小心點 Better beware,

也學精明、謹慎一點 Be canny and careful,

寶貝,你處境特殊呵! Baby, you're on the brink.


你年方十六,才要滿十七 You are sixteen, going on seventeen,

年輕小伙子會來排隊掛號 Fellows will fall in line

衝動的少年 Eager young lads

流氓和騙子 And roues and cads

對你花言巧語,還送上佳釀美食 Will offer you food and wine.


全無準備的你 Totally unprepared are you

就要面對充滿男生的世界 To face a world of men,

怯懦、害羞的你 Timid and shy and scared are you

害怕視野之外的陌生環境 Of things beyond your ken.


該有一個比你年長、聰慧的人 You need someone older and wiser

教你分辨是非善惡 Telling you what to do…

我已十七,就要滿十八 I am seventeen, going on eighteen,

我會小心呵護你! I'll take care of you.


[女 Liesl:]

我才十六,還沒到十七歲 I am sixteen, going on seventeen,

我知道自己不諳世事 I know that I'm naive.

我遇見的小伙子 Fellows I meet

可能會讚我甜美可人 May tell me I'm sweet,

我也樂於相信! And willingly I believe.


我才十六,還沒到十七 I am sixteen, going on seventeen

純真的像朵玫瑰花 Innocent as a rose

單身漢、花花公子 Bachelor dandies,

還有端著白蘭地的紈褲子弟 Drinkers of brandies —

我哪知道誰是誰非? What do I know of those?


全無準備的我 Totally unprepared am I

該怎麼面對充滿男人的世界? To face a world of men,

怯懦、害羞的我 Timid and shy and scared am I

害怕視野之外的陌生世界 Of things beyond my ken.


我需要一個比我年長、聰慧的人 I need someone older and wiser

教我舉措行止 Telling me what to do

你已十七,就要滿十八 You are seventeen, going on eighteen,

我就靠你啦! I'll depend on you.




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